After much preparation and with help from our friends in The Cork branch of The Western Front Association and The Great War Society we eventually got our show on the road and headed off to Tralee on the week end of the 23rd & 24th of May. Nothing could have prepared us for the reception we received from the people who came not just from Tralee but from the four corners of The Kingdom. On Saturday alone over 900 people came to show us medals, pictures, and lots and lots of other family heirlooms. Stories were shared and everyone seemed to have got something before we closed up on Saturday evening. We would like to thank the staff of Tralee County Library who gave us everything we needed and so much more, Mr. Stephen Thompson of The Killorglin Historical Society who provided items from his own collection, and Mr. Noel Grimes of Killarney who helped to set up the show and all of those who donated pictures to The RMFA. A mention is also due to Ms Eunice Bailey whose uncle Lt. Denis Bailey was KIA who kindly lent us items from her collection. All in all a great 2 days was had by all.
- Mr. Stephen Thompson, Mr John Shea and Mr. Tim McSweeney
- Mr John Shea with his Grandfather’s Burma Medal
- Mr. Gerry White of The Cork WFA giving a talk to the public.