Le Touret Military Cemetery to La Couture, Locon & Billets Area.

Le Touret to La Couture to Locon map

 Le Touret military cemetery to La Couture, Locon and north east from Locon the billeting area shaded in  green.

 Little is known about the billeting area at La Tombe Williot, however according to the history of 'The Fifth  Battalion The King�s Own In The Great War', the billets at La Tombe Willot were very scattered over an area  of two miles and could only be reached by light wagons due to condition of the rural roads.


Le Touret to Tombe Williot map

Relationship of the mentioned places to the Last Absolution site, Last Absolution site to La Tombe Williot approximately 12-13 km.


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             Bottom Google Earth
